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Monday, July 25, 2011

Fritchey Family Photo Session - Welch, OK

My Cowboy told me a few months ago about a really neat bridge that he thought would be a cool place to take photos. Of course with me still working on the road at the time, I didn't get around to checking it out. Then during my first week of retirement from 'real' job, I was contacted by a rodeo friend from back in Iowa. Kelly and her family were going to be down in Oklahoma visiting her husband's family and wanted to know if I could do a family photo session for her. Absolutely! where do we take the photos? My Cowboy suggested the bridge again. Ok. Ok. Let's go look at this 'amazing' bridge.

He couldn't quite remember how to get there so he called our friend Jen to get directions. Bad news. They have closed the bridge and she wasn't sure if it was still there or not! Are you kidding me?!?! Jen called her dad just to make sure and we were just in luck.....the bridge was closed......but it wasn't torn down........yet. So we quickly jumped in my Cowboy's little white Toyota and drove to check it out. It's kinda funny to put Cowboy and Toyota in the same sentence. But it's a true statement.

Well, it was pretty amazing as well as the dirt road on the way to it. I guess my "photo eye" has rubbed off on to my Cowboy!

With the time and the place of the photo session set. We were ready to bring on the Fritchey Family!

This was the dirt road before you got to the old bridge. It was a great shaded place to take photos.
Look at this cute couple!

Talk about a little diva with attitude! She was so cute and crazy at the same time. My Cowboy and her enjoyed throwing rocks and sticks into the trees together.

This little guy was one of the happiest little boys I've ever been around! Look at that smile!

And this is just "priceless". Period.

Thank you to the Fritchey Family for letting me capture great photos of your family. And for trusting me enough to drive on a back, back dirt road in Oklahoma.



  1. Love these photos! Their kids are so adorable and entertaining:)

  2. Thanks Katie! I really enjoyed them. Kyle and I haven't seen Kelly in a very long time and it was great getting to catch up.
