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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

An OSU Engagement

I love taking photos that show the love shared between two people. Andrea and Victor were no exception. These two love birds were so much fun to work with! We took their photos at a place that both they and I hold very close to our hearts.....the campus of Oklahoma State! Go Pokes!

Sorry, I just can't say Oklahoma State without throwing my hands, shaped like pistols, into the air and saying "Go Pokes!" Yep.....just did it again. And yes, I do Bleed Orange.

I feel very honored to have been asked to take Andrea and Victor's photos. Engagement photos are some of the most enjoyable photos to take because they represent such a special moment in a couples life. The starting of a new phase in a growing relationship. Awwww. What is it about young love that makes me reminisce about the early days of my relationship with My Cowboy?

Andrea and Victor are just so dang cute together!

Yep.....still cute!

It's special moments like this that really matter.

Thank you Andrea and Victor for letting me capture your love with my camera. I wish you both the very best and can not wait to see you in your tux and gown. Congratulations on your Engagement!

With love,

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Zumba......I think I might die!

This week I've been working in a paper close enough to home that I can travel back and forth each day. With that being said I decided to join my friend Shannon last night at her Zumba Class that she's been attending. I thought that it would be fun to have workout and dance at the same time. Those of you that knew me "Back In The Day", know that I used to be a pretty good little dancer. Hello! I was the captain of the Riverside Dance Team!

Why should Zumba be easy for me?

1. I have rhythm.
2. I can quickly pick up dance steps
3. I've got skills.

I met Shannon at our local High School Gym. We each paid our $5 and went in to stretch and get ready for Zumba. Shannon told me that she likes to stand up front so that she can see the instructors better. I didn't see any problem with that. This was going to come easy for me and I was sure I wouldn't embarrass myself.

The music started and sweat began to roll. And roll. And ROLL! I was sure I was going to die! And worse didn't come easy to me AT ALL! I was the idiot in the front that didn't know any of the dance steps. And somewhere between my senior year in High School and now, I'd lost dancing ability. I'm pretty sure my dancing skills might have gone out the window when my extra pounds of FAT walked in the front door. When I didn't think I could go any longer and I was sure our hour class was almost over, I looked for a clock. It was only 6:25 pm. The class didn't end till 7!!!!!!!

I know some of you are wondering if I made it to 7pm.......and I am proud to say that yes I did finish the whole class. I'm not going to say that there wasn't any crying, whining, or belly aching.......but I did finish it! When Shannon and I walked out to our vehicles afterward, I wasn't sure what was making my legs move. Maybe it was the meat and potatoes I had ready to eat back at home.

What did I lean at Zumba?
1. I have NO rhythm.
2. I can quickly pick up dance steps. (in my head, my body had problems doing what my brain was telling it to do.)
3. I've got NO skills.

This morning I woke up with very sore muscles. Shannon swears that the hurt will only last for 3 days. Which is great because that works out just great for the Zumba class on Thursday!

Until next time,