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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

6 Month Session: Connor

The other day I had the privilege to take Mr. Connor's 6 month photos.  This little guy came ready for the camera with Mom, Grandma, and his favorite Uncle in tow.  

Here's a preview of Connor's many faces........

"Yes, ladies you may call me Mr. Cool."

"Grandpa.....See all I need now is a rope!"

"How do I get out of this thing?"

"I love my Momma!"

Isn't he just too adorable?

Until Next Time,


Friday, March 2, 2012

The best things in life......

Since quitting my 'real' job back in July and going full time with my photography dream, I have learned to enjoy the small (best) things in life.

1. Sleeping in the same bed every night. (However, I would like a new mattress.)
2. Seeing my cowboy each and every day. (Guess what.....we still get along and enjoy our time together!)
3. Being excited again about going 'out' to eat. (Last night we went out to the new place in Nowata)
4. Naps (Zzzzzzzzzz)
5. Crafts (Knitting and Quilting)
6. Spending time with my parents when they come to visit.  (I miss my mom and dad like a little girl)
7. Going on business trips with my cowboy.  (It's like little mini vacations!)
8. Setting my own schedule. ( I can always do that tomorrow!)
9. Cooking (My cooking has considerably gotten better.)
10. Snuggle time with my favorite little dog Gus. (He's momma's little boy.)

Gus loves to sit in the recliner with me while I work on my computer.

I love this adorable face!