Do you remember being young and growing up with your cousins? I remember visiting my grandparents' home and playing with my cousins. We'd take hikes thru the wooded areas and make forts. During holiday get-togethers we'd all gather in back room and play with toys.
Every Easter we'd have an Easter Egg hunt at Grandma and Grandpa Havick's house. After the hunt all of the kids would gather in the living room floor and trade candy. I being the youngest cousin always seemed to get screwed on the deal and end up coming home with only Jelly Beans. Shoot!
Sometimes your cousin was your best friend and sometimes your cousin was your worst enemy especially if the other was a different gender. As long as no one told you to get along it was smooth sailing, but as soon as you're told to get along.........these phrase's quickly come into play:
Girls can't play with boy toys!
Boys have cooties!
Oh and don't forget about tattling!
You should have seen the looks on Jayton and Malynna (Cousins - 3 Months apart) when I asked them to walk down the road and hold hands. Ewwwww!
But the end product makes you go...."Awwwww."
Look at their stances.......her's is so ladylike and his so manly. Love it
Two models in the making. "Future NRS Catalogue Stars"
Do you think she's a pistol?
Look at those eyes!
Jayton was talking with ole' Socks. "Don't worry Socks, I'll be riding you soon. Maybe this weekend when Dad doesn't have to work." Priceless! I couldn't pass this up.
And in Malynna's exact words.
"Bye! I'm done taking photos!"
Until next time,
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