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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Iowa Nilan Family Christmas 2011

This blog post might be a little past due, but hey at least I'm getting caught up!

Every year my cowboy, Gus, and I make a trip back home to the land of corn, soybeans, and feedlot cattle for Christmas.  Most years we celebrate Christmas with my family the weekend after Christmas, however if it Christmas lands on the weekend we spend it with my family on the actual date.  So the last two years we've been in Iowa on December 25th.

Now apparently my mother seems to think that we need to get a new family photo every year.  And who better to take the photos then her FAVORITE daughter, who happens to be a photographer, me.  Now here's the dilemma.......not only do I have to "take" the photo, but I also have to be "in" the photo.  Does anyone else see a problem here?

Well, last year I didn't use my head.  I had my camera.  I had my tripod.  I had the perfect spot.  I didn't have my remote for my camera.  Dang.  So for every photo I had to set the timer on my camera and run run run to my spot.  Snap.  Then I'd run back to the tripod and camera check the photo.  Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.  Needless to say by the fifth photo I was winded with a very red face.  You might ask why did I take so many photos.....well when you're working with 16 people......isn't that answer enough?  

So this year I thought I'd be smarter.  I remembered my remote!  I made sure it was working in the house. I found the perfect spot.  I got my tripod set.  I got all my family members arranged.  I hit the trigger button........nothing!  Are you kidding me?  So yet again this year I had to do the running back and forth again, and again, and again.

The Nilan Family 2011

Here is a second photo just to show you how awesome I am at getting myself back into the very same position.

Not too bad and that's including two dogs in the mix!

This is a photo of my nephew Holden and his two most favorite women in his life.  I'm not going to say which is his favorite, but like most men I'm sure you can figure that one out!  Sorry Shelbie!

I can't believe that my nieces and nephews are old enough to have boyfriends and girlfriends!  This is my niece Kysa and her boyfriend Colby.

While I was getting my settings set on my camera I happened to catch a photo of my dad.  I love this photo of my dad because it shows his real smile.  If you look at the big family photos you'll see that he usually has a forced smile in photos.  In just two days he will be turing 70 years old.  He doesn't look like it, does he?  

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Until next time,



  1. i love that photo of your dad too and 70! i'll never forget your parents at dance team - they were always the best! :)

  2. I love seeing the family pictures. I can't believe how old your nieces and nephews are. Makes me feel old! Also great shot of your dad. Your child is going to be so lucky bc you are going to have so many good pics of them.

    Elizabeth Hinzmann
