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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Couch to 5K.....Yeah Right

As most of you know......I love food. I love baking food. I love cooking food. And that's all fine and dandy, except for waistline. I have attempted diet after diet. I have tried eating salads for lunch and grilled chicken salads for dinner. But I've failed. I grew up on a feedlot with beef being shoveled into my mouth from the time that I could digest it. I got the "eye" from my dad when we would go out to eat and I order chicken.

So, I've decided to jump on the fitness train and begin regularly working out. I've decided that is must be the exact solution that I've been looking for. I can still eat wonderful food and save my waistline with a workout. Jillian Michaels, if you're reading this, I know this isn't exactly what you'd recommend, but give me a break! Small Steps! At least it's a step!

Workout plan #1 - Couch to 5K program

I've been reading a lot about the Couch to 5K program and thought I'd give it a try. Plus it has an iphone app. Yeah! Supposedly this program will teach your endurance and within a short amount of time you'll be ready to run a 5K. I've always wanted to be a runner. But it's worth a try. There is always a treadmill at the hotels I'm staying at, so this must be the program for me. Workout #1 included 5 minutes of walking then rotating between 60 seconds of running and 90 seconds of walking for 30 minutes. Now, let me tell you the 10 minutes were a breeze.

10 minutes - Shoot I can do this.
15 minutes - I think I'm going to die!
20 minutes - I can't believe I still have 10 minutes to go. I'll be lucky if I make 25 minutes
25 minutes - Sweating profusely, but surprisingly I don't fell like I'm going to die anymore
30 minutes - I feel awesome! I just worked out for 30 minutes and am proud of myself.

The next morning - I think I'm going to die! My stomach and legs have decided to go on strike.

I might be a little sore, but I feel awesome and I'm looking forward to my next workout. I think I might need to reward myself with something. Maybe a new cute workout outfit.
Imagine this is me running is a cute new outfit. Also imagine rolling Oklahoma hills in the background instead of a city skyline. Yes, I do think this would still be cute.

Until next time,


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