Isn't it just amazing how signs are sent from up above? When you don't know what road to take, and miraculously a road sign drops out of the sky and says "This Way." Lately I've had a lot of signs that I didn't realize were signs until after the fact. God has a plan for all of us, a road, a path that he wants us to take. Sure we may stray from the planned course, but he always brings us back.
I had to fly to Houston, Tx this morning for my 'real' job and will be staying the entire week. I wasn't looking forward to this trip at all, especially after getting to be home during the week before due to weather. Home for seven glorious days. Slept in my own bed for seven days in a row. Saw my husband for more than 3 days in a row. For those of you that don't know this, I have a job that requires me to be on the road every week. I've been doing this for a little over four years. I was so upset about leaving that I forgot to look for positive happenings throughout the day and only focused on the negative. That was until I checked into my hotel tonight. As I was checking in, the front desk lady looked at my license and said, "Nowata, Oklahoma. Do you know where Vinita, Oklahoma is?" My eyes flew open and I looked at her with amazement. "How do you know about Vinita? It's only about 20 miles from where I live." This sparked a much needed conversation.
You know, I was at a very low point emotionally today. But God threw a sign out infront of me, to remind me that I'm never alone. Having the lady just mention something that was familiar to me, made me look back through the day and think of the positives.
1. I woke up next to my Cowboy this morning.
2. I made it to the airport on time.
3. My flight was on time.
4. My plane didn't crash.
5. My luggage wasn't lost.
6. I made it to my destination on my first try. (Thank you GPS)
7. Texas has a lot of Dairy Queens! (and oreo blizzards)
8. I found a great book to read at Barnes and Noble. (It was the last one on the shelf)
9. I have a husband that loves me very much.
10. I have faith.
It's amazing how I thought my day had been terrible, but after making a list of all the positives my day doesn't seem so bad. I've decided that from now on, when I think that I've had the worst possible day I'm going to make a list of all the positive things that happened that day.
Things that I'm thankful for:
Keeping my eyes open for signs,
AMEN SISTA. Those are some sweet boots!